Awaken to the Journey Within
It is my aim and mission to help as many as I can in their ascension journey. For millennia, our souls have been hidden away from us by distractions and structures and a shadow of fear and hopelessness had been cast as is the nature of Kaliyuga. We as humans have progressed immaculately despite and because of all the pain and suffering that we have had to endure as individuals as well as a collective. We are now able to see clearly the extent to which we have risen as well as fallen, and the spectrum keeps expanding. However, the seasons have turned. Its time to prepare for the golden age right around the corner. Where you and I are ONE, where it is not thought of as a concept to be taught but a natural knowing amongst all humans.
All Paths Lead to LOVE. - Its hard to see or feel that when our own soul is trapped in some internal battle or when we see war, bullying, control, manipulation and such injustice in our world. But its important to understand that yin cannot exist without yang. I canot depict 'light' in my painting without showing the dark. The more lightness i need to show, the darker the color has to be surrounding it.... Its the law of energy. Opposite forces make the motion. The whole dance stems out of and culminates in LOVE -- also called God, Krishna, Yeshua, Shiva, Brahma, Paramatma, Sai, Guru Gobind, Devi, Archangel Micheal, Babaji, Sadhguru, Self....
On this website I intend to share my experiences as a lighthouse for your journey. I will also be sharing links and articles from all those that have helped me connect the dots of my process. I have held back for many moons, but all that I have felt/ experienced/ downloaded has always been validated by so many others who through divination either pop up as videos, articles, books or numbers.
Once you take control of your awareness, life and its journey becomes really intense and interesting. Soon there will be tools and courses on this website to help you on the journey that your soul has been on without your knowledge. Get to know yourself, make friends and thrive in your being.
I wish each of you Infinite Light and Love. May we all heal ourselves.